Shopfront Paint Spraying, Repairs & Refurbishment Kent

We Spray Paint Aluminium, UPVC & Timber Shop Fronts

Shop Front Painting Kent

Shop front paint spraying is part of our complete cladding repair & re-coating service.

Our service is equally applicable to newly installed shop fronts as it is to those that need re-branding or have been neglected and need a face-lift. Our service, which is available throughout the UK, is available in the retail, hospitality and entertainment industries.

 Our spray painting provides a finish that is beautiful and long lasting

Due to the sophistication of the paint systems we utilise, our paint can be applied to a variety of materials and substrates. These include, but are not limited to, aluminium, polyester, powder coatings, galvanised metals, plastics, fibreglass, window glass and even wood.

Additionally, our shop front spraying service includes these additional features:

  • The reparation of dents and scratches.

  • The production of a perfectly smooth finish across the shop front.

  • An incredibly hard wearing finish that offers exceptional longevity.

  • A speedy application.

 Colour-Matching is All Part of the Service

We understand that many companies want their shop front to be an extension of their brand. Therefore, compromise on colour is simply unacceptable. We wish to assure you that we are able to provide an exact match on your desired colour. This is achieved through our dedicated paint matching service.

Our shop front spraying service involves the cordoning off of the area which will be worked on – ensuring safe access to the working area is established. Preparation is essential to producing the optimum surface finish. Therefore masking tape is attached to surrounding areas to prevent the occurrence of over-spray. Following this the substrate which is to be sprayed is heavily degreased, before being sanded and filed in order to ensure the optimum level of adhesion for the coating is provided.

We make every effort to ensure that our spraying work does not impede the operation of your business. Where possible we undertake this service outside of your operating hours, often overnight.

Why Should You Respray?

– Save Cost

– Prolong the life of all your shopfront

– Quicker process than a new install

– 10 Year Guarantee